The average St. Albert homeowner will see a 4.55 per cent increase to municipal property taxes next year.
Council wrapped up weeks of debate when it approved the 2009 operating and 2009-11 capital budgets late Monday.
The increase means the owner of a typical $400,000 home will pay $2,442 in property taxes, up $106 from current.
Council approved a 9.5 per cent increase to utility rates. The change represents another $7.06 per month per household.
Commercial, industrial jump 5.28%
Non-residential property owners face an average 5.28 per cent tax increase.
For the owner of a $900,000 warehouse, that represents a tax bill of $9,887, up $515 from current. The tax bill for a $1.8-million restaurant will come to $19,774, up $1,029 from 2008.
Read more about the tax increase Tuesday morning at