Friday, December 5, 2008

5.87 per cent - UPDATED

Homeowners face a 5.87 per cent increase on their property tax bills next year, after council made several spending cuts and a few additions on Thursday. Commercial and industrial property owners face a 7.51 per cent increase next year.

The residential increase is down three full percentage points from the hike proposed in the original draft 2009 operating and 2009-11 capital budget.  

Next year's operating budget is largely set, save for one request to hire nine new firefighters. Council won't debate that $540,000 expenditure until Dec. 22, when the fire chief is available.

In theory, the tax increase could fall to 5.03 per cent if council turns down the staffing request.  (And boy is that one complicated decision — read more in Saturday's Gazette). If the positions are approved, the increase will remain at 5.87 per cent.

During the same Dec. 22 meeting, council will also decide whether to put the AltaLink power line into the unfunded list in the 2009-11 capital budget. That has no tax implications.
Here are a few highlights from Thursday:
• Add $425,000 in spending over 2009-10 to build washroom facilities in Riel Recreation Park
• Cut $50,000 from the contract and general services budget at Servus Place
• Cut $60,000 for an RCMP internal review
• Cut $50,000 from the Servus Place sponsorship renewal program
• Cut $154,000 from staff training and development (corporate-wide)
• Use grants to pay for $135,000 in environmental master plan initiatives
Several motions were defeated:
• Hold council salaries to 2008 levels
• Cut tax-supported capital funding by $650,000
• Cut $200,000 from the materials budget at Servus Place
• Add $173,000 in revenue at Servus Place
After considerable fussing about wordsmithing, Coun. Gareth Jones withdrew a motion to cut the base budget by 1.5 per cent.