Thursday, October 30, 2008

2011 capital budget

Council will review a 2009-11 capital budget this fall. Here's a look at 2011 (2009 and 2010 can be found in older posts).

Total spending: $21.1 million

Funding breakdown:
 - Grants: $16.4 million
 - Taxes: $3 million
 - Reserves: $1.7 million

What's in

Public works snow storage, $625,000

The city already has $1.2 million in the bank for this project.

Veness Road upgrade, $700,000

Improves what is now a rocky road to the North Campbell Business Park.

Transit satellite garage, $500,000

Buys land for a future garage to store new buses.

What's not

Northeast arterial (realigned Villeneuve Road), $14.1 million

Cost to build the first two lanes of the first major road in the annexed lands.

Badger servicing, $10 million

This cash is needed if the city decides to pay for servicing its 32 hectares west of Wal-Mart.

Servus Place fitness and wellness expansion, $5 million

More dollars to address the cramped fitness area.

Branch library, $4.5 million

The remaining funding need to build a second library. 

Southwest arterial (LeClair Way), $3 million

Ties into the section of LeClair Way (planned in 2009) between Sir Winston Churchill Avenue and the Riel Drive extension.

Transportation action plan, $2 million

Study to identify ways to improve transit speed and reliability, including light rapid transit.