Total spending: $78.7 million
- Grants: $67.9 million *
- Taxes: $3.9 million
- Reserves: $2.7 million
- Offsite levies (roads): $2.2 million
- Debt: $1.9 million **
* This includes $45 million from the provincial government as a payback for Ray Gibbon Drive, money that would go toward stage three to Villeneuve Road.
What's in
- Ray Gibbon Drive stage three, $47.4 million
This will complete two lanes from Giroux Road to Villeneuve Road, plus all the land needed for a wider right of way and interchanges to accommodate an eight-lane freeway. It also includes pre-grading of the next two lanes.
- Southwest sector arterial (LeClair Way) phase one, $4.9 million
Access to Riel Business Park from Ray Gibbon Drive. This arterial road will connect to the Riel Drive extension (work underway now) to Ray Gibbon Drive
- Transit buses, $2.6 million
New buses for route expansions and ridership growth. Does not include ridership increases related to the U-Pass.
- Bridge repairs, $2.5 million
The city repaired the Perron Street Bridge this year. Next year it's time to work on the St. Albert Road and Sir Winston Churchill bridges.
- Transit garage expansion phase two, $2.5 million
- Fire hall No. 1, $500,000
The first year of funding (possibly for designs) to complete a rebuild or renovate the fire hall on Sir Winston Churchill Avenue.
- South park 'n' ride, $500,000
Buys land for a new park 'n' ride station near Superstore (just north of the future ring road). It will replace the Village Landing station.
- Riel Park reclamation study, $300,000
This study will provide a plan and designs for the next phase of landfill remediation and surface work needed at Riel Park. The work is to start in 2010, split between the utility and capital budget.
Note - There are plenty more that I didn't post here. Administration is proposing 67 budget requests in total (with identified funding). There are three more that didn't make the funded list (which council can change if they want), including this one below.What's not
Library branch planning and design, $1.2 million