Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cash flow

Council on Tuesday kicked off the 2009 operating and 2009-11 capital budget review. 

The first five-hour session focused on department budgets for city council, the city manager's office, corporate communications, business and tourism development and common & fiscal.

Tuesday featured several motions to cut or add spending. Motions will not be debated until Nov. 27. Here's the breakdown, with the council member responsible for the motion in parenthesis:

Spend thrift

Proposed cuts:

- Corporate planning co-ordinator, $50,600 in 2009 (James Burrows).

- Geographic information system capital equipment worth $195,000 over 2009-11 (James Burrows).

- Alberta Health Care premiums — $304,000 remains in the budget, a leftover from when the city paid for premiums for staff. The province starts paying next year (Lorie Garritty).

- Seniors’ property tax rebate, $55,000 (Nolan Crouse: delete funding until policy is in place).

- Reduce business and tourism development’s contracted services budget by $25,000 in 2009 (Nolan Crouse).

- Reduce council’s training budget by $1,000 per member (Nolan Crouse).

Spend more

Proposed additions:

- $400,000 in capital budget for the community tourism strategy in 2009 and 2011. This item was previously unfunded (Nolan Crouse wants to fund it using unallocated provincial grants).

- $10,000 for an idle-free public awareness campaign (Lorie Garritty).

Budget meetings continue tonight with presentations from culture, recreation, Family and Community Support Services, emergency management and fire services.